In Control had to tell you about this great new product which will be launching in the US in July 2013, Europe in December 2013.
Lively delivers an ongoing activity-sharing experience that lets older adults and their loved ones stay connected to the events that shape each other’s daily lives.
Elegant & Simple
Simply plug in the Lively cellular hub—no phone line or Internet connection is required.
The system communicates wirelessly with its passive sensors.
Simple to use, easy to install, and, there’s nothing to wear.
Lively does not monitor a medical condition or trigger an emergency response. Instead, it enables a tighter connection and makes it easier for loved ones to notice when there is a change that deserves attention.
An in-home cellular hub with passive sensors that blend into the background learns the normal daily routine of an older adult. Allows sharing of their activity with only the people they choose—no Internet connection required to use.
At-A-Glance Display
View activity status and details through a private web login or a secure mobile application.
Color-coded icons show activities as normal or different from a typical routine. Only designated family and friends have access to this display.
With LivelyGram, younger generations and other family members get a creative way to share the events of their life. Uploaded pictures and short messages are automatically turned into a printed personalized mailer that arrives in their elder loved one’s mailbox.
Creative Sharing
Invite family and friends to share photos, news, and updates that we turn into a personalized mailer, called LivelyGram.
Ideal for older adults who don’t want to use a computer to stay connected, but love to know what their family are doing.
Your Personalized Circle
Once a circle of family and friends are invited to contribute to a personalized LivelyGram, we automatically compile the content and sends it by postal mail approximately every two weeks.
Why Older Adults Want Lively
Older adults shared with us that they want to stay in their homes indefinitely. Most remain healthy and want the freedom to live independently without feeling alone. That being said, they don’t want to burden their families and friends who may worry about them being alone. It’s helpful for others to know how they’re getting along on a daily basis. They also miss the connection to loved ones who are busy or live far away.
Great use of technology to alleviate your worries by letting you know everything is okay in your loved one’s home—without compromising their privacy.
Fantastic way of delivering digital content by post for the older generation not online or using smart phones.