Final Plan and Price

By this stage, we’ve gained a deep understanding of how you live (thanks to the Lifestyle Consultation); and we’ve also illustrated exactly what your solution will look like. Now for this third stage – the final plan and price – everything is brought to life – when you hear, see and touch the final solution.


Our AudioVisual installations are not just about hardware such as speakers, amps, digital tuners and turntables.

We’ll take your music collection, whether on iTunes, vinyl or a combination of media, and give you the technology to play it anywhere in your home. The price for this will be quoted in advance and added to your final plan and price.


Now the visual feast – ultra HD viewing which combines with the super sharp sound.

As a client who’s chosen a complete home cinema, you’ll have nothing left to do but sit back and relax, as the opening sequences roll, the lights dim and the Dolby sound experience surrounds you.

Your technology will look as good as it performs – and all that was discussed during your consultation will transform into reality.


Now for the really clever part – the moment you realise just how simple it is to control everything – audio, TV, Movies, data, lighting, air con, heating and CCTV– from anywhere in the home (and in some cases, beyond).

Piles of remotes are replaced with a single control solution – by phone, tablet or wall panel. Everything will be integrated – and all will be detailed in your plan.

A word on brands…

We only use highly reputable hardware from selected manufacturers, including Kensington Audio, Control4 for Home Automation systems and Creston for mobile control apps. However, we’re not tied to any brand or supplier – we’re completely independent when recommending technology. We work out what is best for you, your home and your budget. It’s as simple as that.

We’ll talk you through each part of your proposal – answering your questions and ensuring that you’re completely happy with it before we move forward.

Now for the fourth step: The installation

Stay Tuned!