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Simple Home Automation

A couple of things set WigWag apart from some other home sensor systems, including the ability to share the controls and rule-making with others (house guests, for example), and a simple QR code and scanning-based discovery system for adding modules to it. In addition, rules can be set up for perpetual or one-time use, and a series of sensors can be deployed to increase the intelligence of the system.

Also offered by WigWag is an RGB LED lighting strip (“Glowline”) that features motion and light level detection, which can be used to set up a dynamic lighting system capable of displaying an incredible range of colors (~ 22,000 colors), all controlled from the WigWag app.

WigWag works with many other third-party devices as well, such as the Phillips Hue light bulbs or the Belkin WeMo outlets, or Bluetooth and Z-Wave systems, in many cases through auto-detection, so users don’t need to go through lengthy or complicated setup and configuration procedures.


It looks as if WigWag has hit a sweet spot in the market, as their Kickstarter campaign has already blown past their initial $50,000 goal, with well over a month to go. Backers at the $139 level will receive a basic system with one sensor and one relay, which is enough to automate a single room, and larger amounts of funding will net backers additional sensors or relays at a discounted pre-retail price.

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